Monday, April 18, 2011

Remember to rate this video, every vote counts. Here's a simple DIY project "that turns green laser last (see my other video on how to change this particular type) in a long-range laser illuminator or Dazzler (weapon) in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A blender is a type of directed energy weapons with intense visible light, usually from a laser (Laser Dazzler) is generated. Dazzlers infrared work if their goals are electronic sensors. MostContemporary systems are portable, and working in red (a semiconductor laser) or green (DPSS) of the electromagnetic spectrum. Weapons designed to cause permanent blindness by the 1995 Protocol to the United Nations banned blinding laser weapons. The mixer is a non-lethal weapon to cause temporary blindness or confusion, and therefore fall outside of this protocol. First application in the Falklands War The first use of lasers in the battle was perhaps Blendto prevent the British during the Falklands War of 1982, when it was installed on Royal Navy ships in low-altitude air strikes in Argentina. Using U.S. troops in Iraq by the end of 'Operation Desert Storm crew of F-15E after the massacre of Kurdish civilians in Iraq military Chamchamal were banned in the home of the assailants, but he used his laser gun and Blender. This proved ineffective as a combat helicopter crash. In18. May ...