Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Www.harrisparkwarmbloods.com.au video of Lafayette and Morgan a class with cranes Wilberforce, NSW 2002. Unfortunately, this is the only material I have of her. Lafayette (Stirling Luther / exchange / xx Whistling Ghost) is a Warmblood mare by Elizabeth Nicholson Australia, Misty Isle crops. It 'was December 28, 1993, in Mont Duneed, Victoria was born. Lafayette Park was acquired by Harris in the warm blood in June 1998, four years. Due to personal circumstances,Lafayette never fought, and then suffered an injury that prevented their entry into the dressage. It 'a sister of intuition and a half (December) (inspiration / change / xx Whistling Spirit) is one of Gemma Alexander of Geraldton, Western Australia. Lafayette was the first of two foals validation (December) (value / whistle Spirit xx / xx Enghien). Lafayette has become the hot-blooded horse foundation of Harris Park. Saturday, February 21, 2007, presented at the Harris Park WarmbloodLafayette for the formation of ACE Group and the evaluation of the movement. Because of his injuries are not satisfactory sample movements. Comments Gerd contain Küster, "A compact sea together." Therefore, the ACE Group Mare Studbook Foundation. Lafayette is also the warm-blooded horse Australian (AWHA) in the identification register (MED) was recorded. Validate Lafayette Dam (December) (value / whistle Spirit xx / xx Enghien) is a registered trademark of AWHA sea, placeAustralia ...
