Tuesday, August 23, 2011

(AINA) - On the morning of May 19, two Coptic priests went to St. Mary S. Abraham Church of Ain Shams, and surrounded by open along Coptic population, but during the day, thousands of Muslims protesting against the opening of the church, threw stones at the building of the church and the Copts, who responded by throwing stones . The army and the police were watching, and not get a (video). Can not save the Church, joined the army and the police took him and careMeeting "reconciliation" between the Coptic priest and the Salafi sheikhs. Also arrested eight Copts, a Muslim of 13 years and three. All were the causes of unrest, violence and injuries to citizens. Copts are also loaded with three bullets, but no arms and one 15 years with two knives. The three Muslims were attacked with stones, the army raised. Gamil Filopateer father, one of the organizers of the sit-Maspero, said in aMeeting with the Minister of Interior has said he can not choose to have churches open again, because everything was "with the Salafis and the security agencies, so that when we go there problems than expected." We have confirmed the minister had suggested the names three churches to reopen. "Reconciliation" was held in a tent KERDI Islamist imams, the main opposition to the reopening of the church, which recently built a mosque in front of the church in its place. NextThe ...
