Saturday, October 29, 2011

Personal News can be found at the bottom of this description You may want to read it if you're a regular subscriber: You know, I got requests for this? No really. I stated in my Master System video that the Game Gear version really knocks the difficulty down a whole five or so notches. This video shows it. Specific notes below. Green Hill: Lulwut. Castlevania Bloodlines Water Magican, eat your heart out. This is the easiest boss fight of all time, without a doubt. I wish they'd just given him SOME sort of starting attack. At least in the Master System version he lives long enough to actually do something. Bridge Zone: Not only are the pits removed in this battle, but the terrain actually helps out a whole lot. Specifically - it's glitchy as all hell and Sonic can get stuck on it. This can be used to your advantage, as shown in the video. This went from being a fairly challenging boss fight to.. well, this. Jungle Zone: The reduced screen size has made this originally nightmare boss fight into a walkover. Robotnik doesn't usually get to use more than one bomb in any given fight this time round. Labyrinth Zone: The only boss fight with a challenge to it, again, the reduced screen size makes it possible to now hit Robotnik in the middle of the arena and make it back to the platform. Of course, you can only do this if you hit the very side of his machine, otherwise his bullets will hit you. You can hit him five times during his missile attack with ease, just be sure to be ...