Monday, November 21, 2011

Buy Kangoos starting at $179 by going here: Check out NEW KANGOO BOOTCAMP! HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING that is LOW IMPACT on your joints! for more info! About Kangoos Kangoos are high intensity/low impact running and rebound sport shoes that have quickly become the latest fitness trend in the US. Very easy to balance in (you won't fall) and safer than rollerblades, Kangoos take all the pressure off your knees, joints, and back, burn more calories than any other cardio, give you an intense core workout the entire time you are in them, and give you this super rush of endorphins (a natural high) that make working out and running more fun than traditional exercise. If you have bad knees or an injury and aren't able to run or do other high intensity exercises due to the impact, you will be able to run again in Kangoos as well as do other high intensity and impact exercises with no jarring to your knees, back, and other joints. Using them protects your joints, prevents joint related injuries, and makes your knees, back, and other joints last longer. Facts about Kangoos (from scientific studies): Burns over 25% more calories than other exercises (on average 15 - 20 calories per minute, 800 - 1400 calories per class), reduces impact to knees, joints, and spine by up to 80%, reduces your excess fat / weight rapidly and safely, increases endurance (VO2 Max), induces euphoria (fights depression) and reduces mental stress, improves posture ...