Friday, November 18, 2011

EDIT: People have been asking for the Translation, so here it is~ ***Translation*** the fiercest is that i have silly courage if there's no miracle i'll find one for you good or bad it's all mine , must fight till the end you let me believe i can the dreams secretly grasps in the hand the person can be confident and slowly walks ahead hoping, hiding in the chest the heart learns to say NO , rejecting weakness because you ,is around me because in the heart, there's a rainbow you're the most kindhearted star, the deepest has attracted all my strength i'm sure you're my one and only the fiercest is that i have silly courage if there's no miracle, i'll find one for you good or bad, it's all mine, must fight til the end you let me believe i can the hurtful pain, let me begin differently i have cried before, becoming more mature,the determination has moved hoping, hiding in the chest the heart learns to say NO rejecting weakness because you, is around me because in the heart, there's a rainbow (you're the most kindhearted star, the deepest has attracted all my strength) i'm sure you're my only one the fiercest is that i have silly courage if there's no miracle, i'll find one for you good or bad, it's all mine, must fight til the end you let me believe i can the fiercest is that i have silly courage if there's no miracle i'll find one for you good or bad, it's all mine, must fight til the end you let me believe i can the once injured me,thought that there's only loneliness left ...